Your Wine. Your Way.

Hosting a special event? Crafting wine for your special occasion is a great way to make an impression - we’ll help you ensure the wine is flowing for a fraction of the cost of commercially produced wine.

Valley Package - 4 week wines

Choose from our Event Wine Packages:

Alpine Event Package Graphic, pick any 6 week wines from our VineCo Estate Serie, $400 + tax for 2 batches of wine.
Summit Event Package  - choose any 8 week wines from our Signature Series

All Packages Include:
Wine kits, custom labels and design, 750ml bottles, corks and shrink tops.

*each wine batch makes 30 x 750ml bottles.

Event Wine

How much wine should I make?

In general you should plan to have 1 serving per hour per guest. Each bottle has 5 servings of wine. Then you need to factor in how long your event is and if you are serving other drinks as well.

example for a 4 hour event:
150 guests x 4 servings ÷ 5 servings/bottle = 120 bottles

What type of wine should I serve at my wedding?

Look for at least one red wine and one white to serve at your event. Here are the most common wines for each category:

Red Wines

  • Merlot

  • Shiraz

  • Cabernet Sauvignon

  • Pinot Noir

White Wines

  • Chardonnay

  • Riesling

  • Pinot Grigio

  • Sauv. Blanc

When should I start the wine making process?

The length of time it takes to make a wine kit varies depending on the wine you choose. There are 4 week, 6 week, and 8 week kits available. This duration is from the time you start the fermentation to the time it is ready to be bottled - once bottled it can be served right away.

However; wine does get better with age and we recommend you give as much lead time as available in order to ensure a quality product is served. 3 - 4 months out is a reasonable time to connect and get your wines started.

Need More
Than Just Wine?

Our friends at Graze Wilder offer awesome snack platters and amazing charcuterie for any occasion.

Wine and Cheese? Yes please!

Contact Graze Wilder directly and let them know we sent you.

Get in Touch.

Contact us at any time to discuss your event wine needs.